Happy Easter!
Council Meeting
Council Meetings are held in the Robert W. Heydorn Chambers in Village Hall.
Silver Lake Park Board Meeting
Village Hall Silver Lake, OhioGarden Club
Village Hall Silver Lake, OhioCome Meet Your Neighbor - The Cuyahoga Valley Art Center in Cuyahoga Falls is dedicated to the promotion of visual art education, exhibition and community engagement. (There is a class for everyone!) Presenter: Daniell Dieterich
Council Meeting
Council Meetings are held in the Robert W. Heydorn Chambers in Village Hall.
Shade Tree Commission
Silver Lake Pavilion 2961 Kent Road, Silver Lake, OH, United StatesThe Silver Lake Shade Tree Commission will meet today at the Pavilion down by the playground.
Arbor Day Ceremony
There will be an Arbor Day Ceremony at Silver Lake Elementary at 1:00 p.m. Following the ceremony, there will be a tree planting on Bellaire across from the school.
Council Meeting
Council Meetings are held in the Robert W. Heydorn Chambers in Village Hall.
Silver Lake Park Board Meeting
Village Hall Silver Lake, OhioHistorical Society – The Underground Railroad in Ohio
Village Hall Silver Lake, OhioSilver Lake Historical Society presents Paul Goebbel for the third time to give a presentation featuring stories about the Underground Railroad in the four corners and center of the state. He will also highlight an Ohio connection to the passage of the 13th amendment to the US constitution.