The Village tax rate is two percent on gross wages.
All residents 18 and over are required to file municipal taxes for the Village of Silver Lake. Those age 65 and over are exempt from filing taxes unless they have earned income.
All non-residents who own a business or rental property in Silver Lake are required to file municipal taxes for the Village of Silver Lake.
Minors under the age of 18 and retirees with no earned income do NOT have to file. Please use the exemption form available at RITA’s website.
Taxes are due April 15th of each year. Failure to file a tax return by the due date will result in a minimum penalty of $25.00 and/or criminal charges being filed. To avoid receiving delinquent filing notices in error, please inform RITA when you or your dependents move out of the Village.
Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) is authorized to administer and enforce the provisions of the Income Tax Chapter of the Village Administrative Code. Call 1-800-860-RITA (7482) or click here to visit their website.