The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals shall consist of five (5) members from the Village not holding another Village office. One member from each district and one member At-Large, shall be appointed by the Mayor with confirmation by Council, and shall serve without compensation for four-year terms.
The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals shall have the power to hear and decide appeals from decisions of building and zoning officials, to grant variances in the application of statutes, ordinances and regulations governing zoning and building in the Village, as may be required to afford justice according to reasonable standards prescribed by Council. The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals shall have such other powers as may be granted to it by Council. The Board of Zoning Appeals meets as needed.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Member | District | Term Expires |
Craig Chmielowicz, Vice-Chairman | A | 12/31/28 |
Mike Thorson | B | 12/31/25 |
Doug Hachat | C | 12/31/28 |
Thomas Kramer | D | 12/31/25 |
Jeff Anderson, Chairman | At-Large | 12/31/25 |