Mark W. Lipan, Service Director
Service Director Email:
The Service Department consists of eight full-time employees and two part-time employees.
Mark Lipan, Ben Gregory, Mike Anderson, Rick Bergey and Charles Burgan are all licensed by the Ohio EPA as Class II Operators in Water Distribution and in Wastewater Collection. Jim Huber is licensed by the Ohio EPA as Class I in Wastewater Collection and Class I in Water Distribution.
Responsibilities of the Service Department:
- Maintenance of vehicles
- Maintenance of buildings
- Maintenance of streets
- Maintenance of parks
- Sanitary and storm sewer system
- Water system
- Fall and Spring Leaf and Limb Removal Program
- Snow removal
The Service Department publishes a yearly Water Quality Report that is sent to all residents in the Village.
What is a Boil Alert or Boil Advisory?
A boil alert is issued when the pressure is lost in the water line and there is the possibility of any foreign substance entering the system.
Water to be used for drinking, making any prepared drink, making ice, cooking, washing dishes, or brushing the teeth should be boiled. All stored water, drink or ice made recently from this supply should be discarded.
What should I do?
INSTRUCTIONS: Boil the water vigorously for at least one to three full minutes to kill any disease-causing bacteria or microorganisms that may be present in the water. A microwave oven may be used to boil the water. Let the water cool before using or use bottled water.
When temperatures dip below freezing, exposed water pipes and fixtures are at risk of freezing. Depending on the type of pipes you have, the expansion that occurs when water freezes can cause pipes to break.
Tips to Protect Plumbing
Disconnect hoses from outdoor spigots. It’s also a good idea to insulate the spigot with a cover.
Insulate all exposed water pipes that are not in a heated area. This includes your water meter if located in an unheated garage.
Leave Faucet Dripping
Let an indoor faucet drip overnight. This is ideal for older homes with a crawl space and non-insulated pipes. Flowing water is less likely to freeze. If you have a two-story home, let a faucet on the first floor drip. Make sure the drain isn’t blocked and remember to turn off the water in the morning.
Locate Shut-Off Valve
Know the location of your shut-off valve. The shut-off valve is located in the basement before your water meter.
In the event of a pipe break or other water leak in your home, you can use this valve to turn off the water supply, which will prevent water damage.
Discovering Frozen Pipes
During extremely cold weather, if you have little to no water flow when you turn on the faucet, your pipes may be frozen.
Frozen pipes will thaw as daytime temperatures rise, but keep the following in mind:
- If you are going to be at home, open a faucet and wait until water begins flowing again. Listen for leaks, water expands when it freezes, which can cause leaks in pipes. If you discover a leak, turn off the water supply to your home at the main shut-off valve and contact a plumber.
- If you are planning to leave your home, turn off your water supply at the main shut-off valve. This will prevent water damage from potential leaks in your plumbing. If you have a leak, contact a plumber.
Occasional service interruptions are necessary to repair, replace, or install water mains. When possible, we will notify affected customers about scheduled maintenance or construction that requires temporarily turning off the water.
Our crews try to schedule planned maintenance during off-peak water demand, but in the event of main break, leak, or other emergency, water service may be interrupted without notice in order to isolate the break, prevent flooding, and repair the main. Most repairs are made within several hours.
Discolored Water
After maintenance work on a water main in your area, you may see discolored water when you turn on the tap. This is caused by mineral and other deposits that settle out of the water and build up on the pipe wall over time.
The deposits become dislodged and dissolved in the water when the pressure changes. This is not harmful, simply let your faucet run until the water becomes clear.
Our crews typically prevent discolored water by opening a nearby fire hydrant to flush out the water main. The high velocity also helps to scour any mineral deposits in the main. In cases where this is not possible, customers may experience discolored water.
To prevent the build up of mineral deposits in water mains, the Village flushes mains throughout our service area yearly.
A blockage in your private plumbing system or in our sewer main in the street can cause a sewer back-up.
If you experience wastewater backing up into drains or toilets in your home, contact us at 330-923-5233 during business hours, 330-929-8771 for after hours dispatch, or a plumber immediately.
Help prevent sewer clogs and back-ups
-Only flush number one, number two, and toilet tissue! Flushing anything else, even wipes and other products labeled “flushable” can cause blockages.
-Don’t pour grease down the drain. Put it in a jar and throw it in the trash. Grease builds up in pipes over time and can eventually lead to a complete blockage.
-Replace damaged sewer clean-out caps. These white plastic caps cover the access to your home’s sewer service line. Make sure it’s clearly marked and accessible, and replace it if it’s damaged to prevent debris from entering your sewer line.
-Keep an eye on tree roots. Tree roots can cause damage to your private sewer line.