Shade Tree Commission Meeting
Village Hall Silver Lake, OhioThe Silver Lake Shade Tree Commission meets on the first Thursday of January, March, May, July, October, and November at 4:00 p.m. at Village Hall. All are welcome to attend. The mission of the Shade Tree Commission is: To educate residents on the importance and benefits that trees have for our community To encourage residents [...]
Council Meeting
Council Meetings are held in the Robert W. Heydorn Chambers in Village Hall.
Watershed Commission Meeting
Village Hall Silver Lake, OhioOrdinance No.: 6-2024 passed on February 5, 2024 establishing the Silver Lake Watershed Commission to serve as an advisory commission to the Mayor. Meetings are held quarterly on Wednesdays as scheduled at 6:00 p.m. in Village Hall.
Silver Lake Park Board Meeting
Village Hall Silver Lake, OhioSilver Lake Historical Society Program
Silver Lake Amusement Park's Aquarium A presentation on the Aquarium and other interesting facts about the Amusement Park. Presented by Allie Joyner, Local History Librarian at Stow Munroe Falls Library.
Garden Club
Fashion Vision Dessert provided by Program Committee Chico’s store from First and Main in Hudson will present the colors and styles for the upcoming season.
Council Meeting
Council Meetings are held in the Robert W. Heydorn Chambers in Village Hall.
Council Meeting
Council Meetings are held in the Robert W. Heydorn Chambers in Village Hall.
Silver Lake Park Board Meeting
Village Hall Silver Lake, OhioGarden Club
Eradicating Invasive Plantings Dessert provided by Section I The Barberton Tree Company will educate us about the harmful effects of planting invasive trees, shrubs and plants in our yards and gardens